B is for “Beauty”: My Favorite Natural Beauty Products!

Note: This post is part of a “Blogging A to Z” challenge I’m participating in. 


Today’s post is brought to you by the letter B…for beauty products, that is.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that over the past several years, I’ve made a commitment to swapping out conventional drug store beauty products with more natural, non-toxic ones. Last summer, I wrote a lengthy post about the reasons behind this change, but it boils down to this: our skin is our largest organ. Between shampoos and conditioners, soaps, lotions and makeup, an average day, a woman puts more than 150 chemicals on her skin per day—many of the same chemicals that have already been banned in Europe.

Since I started this transition to toxin-free living, I often get asked about what products I buy, so I thought that today I would compile a list. These products (and companies) have become my go-tos for all-natural or naturally derived products. They’re affordable and they work great, whether you’re a guy or a gal! Bookmark this and come back to it the next time you’re shopping! Almost all of these are available at Target and on Amazon–my two favorite places to shop!

Shampoos and Conditioner

Note: When it comes to natural shampoos and conditioners, one of the things that takes some getting used to is the fact that they don’t lather like drugstore shampoos. That’s because they’re free of the harsh chemicals that make them “froth.”

Acure — I love their Argan Oil shampoos and conditioners! I also dig the Acure dry shampoo for when I’m feeling super lazy.

Nature’s Gate — I buy the Nature Baby shampoo/body wash for my kiddo and love the smell of the pomegranate shampoo.

Soapbox — Not only are these great products, but Soapbox donates a bar of soap to a person in need for every product purchased!

Soaps and Body Washes

Perfectly Posh —  A friend of mine recently introduced me to this brand, and I love them. They’re not 100% natural, but mostly naturally derived and free of scary bad chemicals. Plus, they work great!

Raw Sugar — Target recently started carrying this brand. Yay!

Shugar Soapworks — These bars of soap smell and work great. And guess what: You can get them at the DOLLAR TREE!

Trader Joe’s  – Trader Joe’s soap bars are a staple in my house. They’re cheap, they smell great and they’re made with only 5 ingredients.


Honeybee Gardens — My FAVE. These products work great and are super affordable! Order directly from the website for the best savings!

Burt’s Bees — I know there is some controversy about this company…yada yada…I love their lipsticks. Fight me.

Josie Maran Cosmetics – Her black argan oil mascara is AMAZING. Lashes for miles! Not 100% free of  synthetics, but free of the bad chemicals.

Lotion, Including Face Creams and Face Washes

Acure (again!)– Argan oil is amazing for your face and very affordable.

Perfectly Posh 

Burt’s Bees — Great, fragrance-free lotions for babies, kids and adults!


I’m not going to lie. Natural sunscreen is PRICEY. Yet, when you see the nasty ingredients that are in cheap drugstore products, I feel it’s worth the cost…especially if you and your kids use it as much as we do!

COOLA — I had the opportunity to test drive a few of these products last summer. LOVE. THEM. Watch for sales to make the products more affordable.

DaVita Solar Protective Moisturizer — My go-to summer facial moisturizer. One tube lasts the entire season and then some.

Alba Botanicals — Often available at Costco in the spring/summer–yay!

Sunbum — These products smell like summer. What more can I say?

Babyganics — Again, not 100% natural, but free of the scariest chemicals.

These are my favorite products — do you have any products you’d like to add to the list? Comment below!

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