Oh, hey there.

Oh, hey there.

It’s been a while.

I haven’t written a formal blog post since March, y’all.

It’s been a rough few months. After sustaining a nasty fall in my driveway this past winter, I was diagnosed—weeks later–with post-concussion syndrome. Most of March and half of April are a blur, riddled with dizziness, headaches, nausea, and general malaise.

This was all happening at the same time I started a part-time job helping out with marketing at a super-awesome innovative tech company in Pittsburgh. Yes, I’m still freelance writing, but at the risk of sounding trite, it’s awesome to be part of a team again—and one that values its employees as actual human beings with lives and families.

Then, in the midst of it all, on April 8, my beautiful, generous, fun-loving grandmother passed away at the age of 96, leaving a giant hole in my heart. I was truly blessed to have had her for four-plus decades of my life, but not a day goes by that I don’t miss her.

For now, summer is here, my kiddo is home, and I’m trying to get back to life as normal, whatever that entails. Swimming, popsicles and amusement parks are on the short list, followed by a much-needed week at the beach with friends later this summer.

So, if you’re inclined, stay tuned for new ramblings about parenthood and life, product reviews (including one this week) and interviews with more successful mamas this fall.

Happy summer!

photo credit: CJS*64 Hello ! via photopin (license)